Parents & Kids

Worst Parenting Habit That is Damaging Your Child’s Confidence (& and How to Fix it)

Based on a true incident that happened between a boy and his father. The boy shares his agony on how he feels when his parents compare him with other children. How the father was so unaware of his parenting habit, unknowingly damaging his son’s self-esteem and confidence.

Parenting a child with high self-esteem, confidence and strong emotional quotient is all about understanding your child and his strengths. 

Please stop comparing your child with the other (even their sibling). We like to think that comparing will motivate the child to be better. Sadly, it doesn’t!

It does the reverse of motivating – It DEMOTIVATES! 

If other children are doing better at certain things – DOES NOT mean that your child should perform well in the same areas. 

 For eg, If your child gets good marks in Arts. Encourage him to pursue it instead of forcing him to get better marks at Science because your friend’s son is brilliant in Science. 

Every child is unique. If we start comparing a fish with the ability to climb trees like a cat. The fish won’t be able to swim (and do what she was born for). 

We do not intend to raise a demotivated, unhappy and miserable child. Do we?

As parents, we need to drop this habit of comparison and nurture the child for who they are. 

We must understand that our child is different from the other and adjust our parenting accordingly. 

When we do that the chances are, our children grow up to be happier, more self -assured and successful than we ever imagined them to be. 

Watch this video, by our Life Coach Kamalneet Singh to learn more about how comparisons can crush a child’s self-esteem. 

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If you want to know how to parent a happy, empowered child? You would find this article meaningful.

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