Parents & Kids

What is the Most Effective Way of Learning for Children? Writing or Screen?

“Aha! This online course is so exciting. Now my child will study better.” “These animation styles will create interest in studying.” I must take this. If you find yourself having these thoughts then this blog is FOR YOU! Online aka websites, apps are excited and up to date. Yes, they are! No doubts. The learning for children which is done by writing with a pencil (or pen) and paper is the one that STAYS.

We are not dissing any learning platform – just understanding the effectiveness of learning when it is done writing on paper.

The entire world rests in the palm of our hand. The glitzy animations and photo effects are mesmerising. Plus celebrities endorsing them adds to their appeal.

We find ourselves enrolling our children for them. If we have done it already or are thinking about it.

Just Pause!

Have you thought about all the repercussions of your impulsive decision?

एक बार सोच कर देखो-

कहीं आप EMOTINALLY MANIPULATE तो नहीं हो रहे ?

What is a Better Model of Learning for Children?

The one which is done by writing using Paper and Pencil?


The one which is done on Ipads, Laptops or Phone Screens?

The learning done through writing is THE MOST EFFECTIVE!

I will give you solid reasons to believe this.

1. All Five Elements are present at our fingertips

According to Ayurveda, Each finger is an extension of the five elements Fire, Air, Earth, Space, Water. The nerve endings of the fingertips are believed to boost digestion.

You must be wondering why I am talking about food here. We were talking about study methods, are we diverting from the topic? No!

When we write with a pencil, we involve our fingers when we study through writing as a primary method.

Let me give you one more reason to emphasise the involvement of fingers and hands for studying.

2. Gyan Mudra( Mudra of knowledge)

Our body is made of five elements. When there is a disturbance in these elements. It results in an imbalanced mind and causes our body to suffer from diseases.

When we hold a pencil, the formation of these mudras happen. Gyan mudra, the name itself indicates knowledge. These are powerful enough to increase memory. concentration and many more skills required to become an achiever.

‘’Healthy body can lead to better performance ‘’

So the traditional method of studying with paper and pencil should be the primary method.

3. Handwriting says a Lot

What does it say? It tells us about our mind, psychology, characteristics, personality traits. Tells it all. 

Why should it matter? So what if my child doesn’t write a lot.

It matters because as they grow their handwriting will start reflecting their mindset. It helps a person understand their characteristic patterns. This analysis not just helps in personal matters but professional as well. 

And the good thing is whichever patterns we identify through handwriting analysis. It is possible to rectify those patterns – by making changes in the handwriting. All this is done under the guidance of an expert.

5 Disadvantages of Online Learning

What happens when writing becomes a secondary mode of learning! And online reading, studying through digital games and videos become primary!

We don’t even realize the damages. By the time this realization happens, what the child loses is irreversible at times.

No parent wants that to happen to their child.

Not just cognitive losses and brain health. Digital learning affects physical health too.

* Excessive strain on the eyes
* Body posture

As children are so engrossed in the screen. We overlook the proper posture.

* Hurts the Neck and Spine

Watching a video on the phone puts an excessive load on the neck ( As if someone kept 8 books at the back of the neck)

* Social Isolation

Who wants to leave a Youtube video for a game of football. (Strange as it seems it is true).

Want to know something fascinating?

Such is the power of holding a pencil in hand. Whether for writing or creating art, technology giants designed their products around this (Read Apple Pencil and Stylus). Nothing beats the impact we can make with creations on pen and paper. 

So what do we do? How to find out effective methods of learning for Children?

Maintain a good mix of Writing and Screen Learning both.

Understand where writing/screen should be the primary method of learning and choose wisely.

Maintaining the correct ratio of both learning methods will yield the best results with the least harm.

As a parent, serve enriching mental food to your child every day. Don’t ditch the pencil – Think twice before choosing the glittering screen for all the learning needed.

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