Parents & Kids

Perks of Reading! Children Who Read More Score More

Our guest contributor and mindset coach Kamalneet Singh says, “Children who read more, score more.” We strongly agree. If you want your child to grow up and be a CEO or do something impactful in the world (Which we all want for our children), get them into the habit of reading.

Readers are Leaders and Leaders are Readers.

Did you know the billionaires and the top leaders of the world read an average of 5 books in a week?

Why do they need to read so much when they already know more than others?

These people are highly educated from Ivy League schools. The fact that they are on the top of the field, earning the big bucks, they must be doing something right. Then why do they need to read so much?

There are many reasons for it. The topmost one being- their thirst to learn more and be better.

Despite being busy from head to toe they take the time out to read.

Reading for Children and Why parents should encourage their children to read

Similarly, for children, Reading (English and Hindi both) is beneficial. It helps increase vocabulary, helps the child imagine better thereby write better.

Potential to get good marks in English and Hindi- IMPROVED.

It helps in brain development of the child. I have shared the many benefits of reading in my blog ‘Mindful Parenting Guide’ every parent needs to read.

Reading can be a wonderful bonding exercise for parents and children.

I remember once a friend of mine told me that she read the ‘Percy Jackson’ series at the age of 39 only because her son loved the series and she wanted to connect more with her son.

If your child is not interested in reading, then you pick up a book and start. If you are consistent with this habit, your child will be more likely to pick up the habit of reading for themselves.

In this video, Kamalneet Singh shares, through a personal experience, how reading benefitted his growth. Not only academically but in personal growth as well. Reading helped him be innovative, and evolve in his career.

We hope this video will help you and your child start reading again.

To help you get started, we have a few book recommendations that you can check out.

Click here to read.

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