Parents & Kids

Parents Cannot Erase This From Their Child’s Mind and Heart!

Look at Avyaan, he plays the Guitar and his school sends him for music festivals to perform. And look at you – sitting and wasting time on video games all day. Why can’t you do something better with your life? I feel like I am just wasting money on you. You think money grows on trees? Go to your room right now and do something better with your life. A classic scolding from a parent to their child. Whatever parenting technique we use. We do it for the betterment of our children. Not realising it will affect your child’s self-worth.

A child’s mind is like a sponge.

#1 Parenting Tip

Your Words Imprint on Your Child’s Mind.

It will absorb what they see, hear, feel from their surroundings.

Their mind isn’t evolved enough (Truth be told, if we talk like this to an adult they will get hurt too) to know when you speak out of anger.

It will not understand when you speak out of concern.

We do not talk to grownups like that. But we speak this way with our children.

Comparisons with the neighbour’s child/ their cousins/friends. Talking down to them with things like I am wasting money on you. HURTS THE CHILD.

Your words get imprinted on your child’s mind!

Thereby, how they see themselves.

Less than others. Low self-worth and self-belief.

They grow up believing the same. It can affect their studies.

Reasons why they end up with jobs which do not justify their talents, relationships that do not make them happy.
None of which we want for our children.

To raise secure children – Let’s be mindful of how we speak to them.

In this video, Mindset coach Kamalneet Singh explains how our words can shake our child’s self-esteem. The words you speak you won’t be able to erase from their minds.

It’s time we reflect as parents and think about the kind of words we are speaking with our children.

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