Parents & Kids

7 Things Every Parent Should Know Before Buying A Writing Pencil For Their Child

Rasha wouldn’t stop crying and that got her mother Roma worried! Finally, when Rasha calmed down, her mother asked what happened at school. Rasha told her, she couldn’t finish her English test, as her pencil tip kept breaking. The teacher didn’t allow her to borrow from her classmates. All this got Roma wondering. They go to the best stationery shop in the city to buy their stationery. How could they go so wrong in choosing a writing pencil for her daughter?

Seeing what happened to her sensitive daughter at school made Roma get in-depth with what kind of writing pencil should she be looking for her daughter.

A pencil is one writing tool that is heavily used yet it gets the least amount of attention by parents and children.

What if I told you that choosing the right pencil is as important as writing itself?

Let’s review what type of pencils our children end up using

You have a stack of pencils lying at home from the endless return gifts the child keeps getting.


Your child asks you to buy a pencil similar to the one his friend gets to school.

A quick visit to the stationery shop. The shop staff shows the one that is an expensive brand. You ask him to show you a daily use pencil because children “loose pencils by a dozen”, don’t they!

Makes sense to pick up the cheapest brand available. Also, that pencil is bright and attractive and it appeals to your child.

You buy that pencil and everyone comes home satisfied with their purchase.

Most common factors in play while buying a pencil are

  1. Because it’s the new one in the market;
  2. Has a pretty colour;
  3. The child’s friend bought the same pencil and now your child wants it too;
  4. It’s the cheapest pencil available;

If any of the above factors contribute to your pencil-buying then it’s time to change.

Did You Know

The type of pencil your child uses and how he holds it and writes, effect his penmanship. Henceforth, their fine motor skills and learning abilities.

How to Choose the Right Pencil?

What could go wrong in picking a pencil?

Lots! if you ask.

1. Always check the marking on the back of the pencil.

The one that is ideal for writing is HB(Hard and Black).

If you choose a drawing pencil (marked as B on the back end of the pencil) chances are graphite dust will smudge the child’s hands and the notebook.

If you choose a pencil marked as H (drafting pencil used for mechanical and engineering drawings), you will see pencil marks 2-3 pages below the writing page. And the writing will be scratchy.

A pencil marked as HB is the perfect choice for writing.

2. Pick a quality yet affordable brand

You pick up a cheaper brand (because let’s face it! Children lose pencil like it’s their business). That pencil either splits in half or doesn’t sharpen well.

By the time, the tip sharpens properly – half the pencil is gone.

Not to forget the time your child wastes in getting the pencil tip writable.

By all means, choose a brand which is pocket-friendly yet do not ignore the quality.

Exactly what happened with Rasha’s pencils during her English Test.

There are a lot of country-made brands available who make decent pencils and it doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket.

3. The shape of the pencil

A hexagonal Pencil is ideal for everyday use. It’s ergonomic design makes an ideal grip. A triangular works well too, for the same reasons.

A circular pencil doesn’t provide a good grip. Avoid that.

4. Grip

A good writing pencil should be able to provide you with a stable yet flexible grip.

So make your child hold the pencil before buying.

If your child needs help with grip and handwriting then try using special aids and soft plastic grips available in the market.

5. Size of the pencil

If your child is starting school then you could choose a bigger and thicker pencil to ensure a good grip. Ideal for pre-primary classes.

6. The thickness of the pencil lead

When choosing a mechanical pencil, buy the ones with 0.5 or 0.7mm lead. They are sturdier for children to write.

7. Pencil brand & its origin

The pencil brand that you pick always see their country of manufacturing.

How does it matter? You would say.

Don’t they have pencil grading standards?

No, they don’t. Every Pencil manufacturing company has their formulations.

Brands you can choose from

Here are our recommendations for the best writing pencils you could pick for your child.

  • Natraj Pencils
  • Apsara Gold Pencils
  • Camlin Pencils
  • Faber Castell Pencils
  • Milan Pencils

These brands are easily available and have decades of presence in the market.

These 7 tips on buying the best pencil for your child will help with his motor skills, writing and learning.

Hope they were easy to follow. Once you know which pencil suits you the best – it will become easier with each purchase.

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