Parents & Kids

Parenting Mistakes That Affect A Child The Most

The biggest challenge parents face daily is how to get children away from gadgets. Children spend hours and hours playing online games and youtube videos. It is the biggest cause of friction between parents and children. In this video, Mindset Coach Kamalneet Singh talks about 3 parenting mistakes we make when dealing with power struggles and how it can damage the child’s mindset.

1. Fear of Punishment

The parent either punishing the children or threatening to punish.

In this case, “The Guard will come and take you away”

Reasons why this is a Parenting mistake

Instilling fear in the child on small issues makes children rebellious in the longer run.

This fear will work on children when they are smaller but not once they reach the pre-teens age.

2. Withdrawal of Privilege

This often happens when the child ignores their work at the cost of doing homework, studying for tests, completing projects. So the parent feels compelled to either take the phone/tablet/device away from the child.

What is this telling your child?

You have no idea of the damage caused by this parenting mistake. 

We are instilling insecurity in children by showing them nothing is theirs and they have no control. Whatever they care for can be taken away anytime.

Whilst our actions have only the best intentions for our children.

This withdrawal of privilege causes more harm than good.

3. Yelling

Your frustration levels are high hence the yelling. All of us are guilty of this parenting mistake.

Who will yelling benefit? 

No one.

Does it work?

Hell, No! One-off incident maybe it does but, in the long run, it will only exhaust and drain you.

What is the parents best bet here?

What can you do when the child is ignoring his school work and playing games/ watching youtube?

Make the child understand the importance of doing work on time and then as a reward they can have 10 minutes of extra playtime.

Long story short – Parent your child the way they are. Understand their actions and work on them accordingly.

The child is more likely to study better and finish their work on time. Perform better as a student when you support their actions.

Remember the love you give your child not only makes them happy but also gives them courage and the confidence to shine.

3 Parenting Mistakes When Dealing With Power Struggles With Your Child

Here’s what our Mindset Coach says

What would you rather choose?

A child who shines in what they do


A child who meets deadlines without finding any joy and purpose in it?

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