Parents & Kids

Why do Children Avoid Learning Hindi? & What Can Parents do

हर रोज़ की एक ही कहानी I Hindi homework न करने के बहाने बनाना I One day, Reena asked her son- बेटा, क्या बात है? क्यों Hindi नहीं पढ़ना चाहते? जब हम homework करने बैठते हैं आपका मन नहीं करता I ऐसे कैसे चलेगा I This is not just Reena’s story but of 90% mothers these days. This is the bone of contention with most children. Why do children avoid learning Hindi?

The Hindi teachers tell parents in every PTM, “The child must practice reading and writing Hindi every day”.

But till the time there is no homework children avoid Hindi. They don’t want to pick up a reading book, writing practice तो दूर की बात है I

Writing one page becomes a cry-fest and eventually, we parents give up.

Unfortunately, each parent I met during the research of this blog attested the same. Their child is plain fearful of the subject.

“We do not speak Hindi at home. As soon as she reaches Grade 6, I am going to switch her to French/Spanish.”

“My daughter will go to the United States for further studies. ”

So what is even the point of going through this ordeal every day?

They made a strong point.

What makes children avoid Hindi? Why is it so hard for them?

Soooo many children (including mine) have decided that Hindi is a tough language.

One day my child comes to me saying I can’t read well because I am bad at Hindi.

The unhappy homework sessions, PTM feedback made the child self-diagnose himself “as bad in Hindi.”


I felt awful.

A quick glance at our bookshelf – Other than 1 चाचा चौधरी comic (which we bought for Hindi holiday homework 5 years ago).

We do not own a single Hindi book. All the Marvel movies he watches are in English.

Children watch Netflix and Youtube these days and consume English content. The only Hindi speaking that happens around them is by grandparents or maids.

Another reason why children avoid the subject – The Hindi vocabulary we learn from school textbooks and spoken words are miles apart. In grammatical terms – शुद्ध अशुद्ध हिंदीI

We see parents buying phonics sheets for 3-4 year children. They attend jolly phonics workshops to teach their children well. So many schools introduce Hindi in Grade 1.

I have not seen that attention and focus on Hindi अक्षर and मात्राएं I Rarely do we parents sit with Hindi practice books. We do not introduce the basics in a familiar environment.

So many of us boast that our children do not like the language. When we so openly push it aside. It’s natural that the child avoids Hindi.

How on Earth will a child pick the language!

We as parents are somewhat responsible for making Hindi a stranger in their lives.

Why is Hindi getting forgotten as the common expression (at least in Cosmopolitan cities)

Almost every Indian can speak at least two languages. In most schools, we learn at least two languages– English and the mother tongue, for 44% of the Indian population it is Hindi.

Britishers left us decades ago but our obsession with everything western continues.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not against globalisation and embracing different cultures.

But is risking our mother-tongue for its sake – worth it?

How many times have we found ourselves judging (sometimes secretly) people who do not speak English well!

We give English extra importance and treat it superior and stub Hindi.

Such is the state that students get tuitions to get good marks in their Hindi paper just so it doesn’t spoil their overall percentage.

While we are not saying that forget English. We are only reminding ourselves why our children need to learn Hindi subject. More than the broken version we speak these days.

Reasons, why we should start loving Hindi again

1. It is our mother tongue.

This itself is the biggest reason. Seeing children avoid Hindi is disheartening.

2. Learning 2 languages help in a Child’s Brain Development and Focus

It is proven by Science children who speak 2 languages have a natural ability to focus. it helps them develop new areas in their brain.

3. It will help in the child’s Career/ Business


Globally, Millions of people speak Hindi.

It is not just limited to India. In fact, it is the THIRD most spoken language across the length and breadth of the globe.

Spoken most after English and Mandarin. Hindi outnumbers many languages and emerges as a crucial language of south-east Asia.

Whether the reasons are personal or professional.

The knowledge of both oral and written Hindi will benefit.

4. Increases the Child’s Communication power

Globalization has shrunk the world. Everything you need or want to communicate with- is in the palm of your hand (Read your favourite smartphone).

In today’s times, It has become to learn as many languages as possible to enrich your job profile.

Over half a billion people across the globe speak Hindi. The child will gain the power to communicate better.

Your professional skills and portfolio grow with the knowledge of Hindi.

5. Building a connection with your team

Whether a brand owner, interior designer, fashion guru. We all have to communicate with our workers, carpenters, embroiders. Speaking Hindi can help us communicate better with our craftsmen.

6. Back to Roots

Even if the child has studied abroad. The Indian economy is booming and is a hotspot of growth and expansion. The entire world is focusing on the exciting opportunities available here. The knowledge of Hindi is essential for anyone looking to explore these opportunities.

COVID times taught us this hard. Indian individuals settled abroad came back. With a slump in the economy and layoffs. They were forced to create opportunities in the motherland.

Whether looking to get a job or do any business, you NEED to know Hindi.

It gives you the local advantage and allows you to mingle well. It increases your chance of having a successful career in India- be it a job or a business.

7. The Hindi language is easy to learn

In Hindi, What you see is what you speak. (makes it easier to learn)

Once you have learned the basic अक्षर मात्राएं, it is easy to build your vocabulary and master the language.

8. Rich Indian Heritage (for eg Yoga, Spirituality and Ayurveda)

India is a fascinating land with a rich cultural heritage and mesmerizing history.

If the child wants to learn History, Crafts and Arts, proper knowledge of Hindi can open doors to this rich heritage.

They will be able to connect more with ancient manuscripts, rituals, religious texts and crafts.

India is the birthplace of religions like Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Also the birthplace of many saints, philosophers and spiritual teachers. We can understand their spiritual teachings with the knowledge of Hindi.

9. Learning languages improves Study Techniques

Studies suggest that learning a language improves your confidence, skills and study techniques. Learning Hindi prepares the child to learn other languages easily.

Hindi belongs to the Indo-Iranian language group. It has a close resemblance to Urdu. Many words in English are absorbed from Hindi.

If someone knows Hindi well. They can learn both English and Urdu better, and other languages of the Indo-Iranian group.

10. Indian Cinema

Indian film Industry (as people call Bollywood – I dislike that word a lot. We are originals, not wannabes) is the second-largest film industry after Hollywood. Its global popularity needs no testimony.

You can enjoy its true essence if you know Hindi like the back of your hand.

The Solution

If the Child Avoids Hindi. How can we rebuild the lost connection?

Start young

  • Read Hindi Books to your child
  • Speak Hindi with children even if for an hour
  • Choosing tasteful Hindi movies for our children to watch
  • Give equal focus to the मात्राएं we give to Phonics
  • Dance on Hindi songs (learning and having fun with children)
  • Create Hindi Tongue twisters (if you are a 70s child then start with चंदू के चाचा ने चंदू की चाची को चांदनी चौक में haha)

The idea is to have fun as we learn and become comfortable with Hindi. As it becomes a part of life it will be easier to read, write and understand. It will gently remove the fear and the child will stop avoiding Hindi.

Final Words

Hindi is the language of our land. Our mother tongue. In the race to be a global citizen, may we do not let our children forget their roots.

Even if we have lost that connection with our beloved Hindi, I hope we rebuild it and nurture it. Let’s give a brighter tomorrow to our children and our country.

The tree with the strongest roots survives the toughest storms.

Let’s give strong roots to our children by connecting them again to their language.

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